
Fame | Sean Kinney net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Sean Kinney? When is Sean Kinney's birthday? Where is Sean Kinney born? Where did Sean Kinney grow up from? What's Sean Kinney's age?

Sean Kinney Born: May 27, 1966 (age 57years), Renton, Washington, United States

How about Sean Kinney's group?

Sean Kinney Group: Alice In Chains, Alice Mudgarden, Spys4Darwin (2001 2002)

Is Sean Kinney still with Alice in Chains?

Drummer Sean Kinney returned to the band following Bordin's departure and has remained with Alice in Chains ever since. His drumming can be heard on the band's most recent album, \u201cRainier Fog,\u201d which was released in 2018.

Does Sean Kinney have kids?

Kinney and Alice in Chains manager, Susan Silver, are the owners of The Crocodile Cafe in Seattle since 2009. Has never been married nor has any children.

How old is Sean Kinney?

Sean Kinney is an American musician best known as the drummer for the Seattle Rock band Alice in Chains, which he co-founded along with guitarist and vocalist Jerry Cantrell in 1987. Kinney was born on May 27, 1966 in Renton, Washington.

Who was the original drummer for Alice in Chains?

Sean Kinney is an American musician best known as the drummer for the Seattle Rock band Alice in Chains, which he co-founded along with guitarist and vocalist Jerry Cantrell in 1987. Kinney was born on May 27, 1966 in Renton, Washington.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-11-02